
Posts tagged with: church

Advent Isn’t Pretty

Advent isn’t pretty. The churches that celebrate Advent may outfit their pulpits, altars, and chancels in shades of purple or deep blue.

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It Takes a Village . . . and a Church to Flourish in the Third Third of Life

I’ve been reading a fascinating book. Time of Our Lives: Celebrating Older Women was written by Dr. Maggie Kirkman, a psychologist and senior research fellow in women’s health at Monash University in Australia. The main portion of her book is a collection of stories of older women living full, fruitful, and inspiring lives.

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Relationships and “The Good Life”

“If you had to make one life choice, right now, to set yourself on the path to future health and happiness, what would it be?”

So, how would you answer that question? What one choice could you make right now that would point you in the direction of a fruitful and fulfilling life?

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